Vet Webinar „An Update on Socialisation: What you need your clients to know“
Socialisation has become all-important to ensure that a puppy grows up to be a healthy adult dog. If it is not done right, then the dog is ruined! But is this really true? A lack of socialization is blamed for all types of behaviour problems of dogs – but is this really accurate? Socialisation is important for the healthy development of all youngsters, not just dogs. Even humans get socialized! It is more than just exposing the young animal to new experiences. The emphasis of exposure to novelty has overshadowed the importance of the caregiver to successful socialization. We will explore what it means to socialize a dog, what puppy breeders, puppy walkers and puppy owners need to be doing to help their puppy adapt to life with people (it is much easier than we think!). How the puppy adapts to learning about the wider world can help identify developmental problems and mental health disorders allowing early interventions. A well socialized animal makes the job of the veterinarians and veterinary staff easier as the animal is comfortable with meeting new people and learning new things. So advising your clients correctly helps them help their puppy which ultimately helps you do your job better!