Vet Webinar „Tips and Tricks for Diagnosing Cushings Disease and Hypothyroidism“
Diagnosing canine endocrinopathies can be challenging – the patient is old, sluggish and has a poor coat, but is the T4 low due to hypothyroidism or low due to one of the multiple concurrent diseases the dog has? Why does this patient have all the hallmarks of Cushing’s disease and yet the LDDST is normal? At what point can I say that the dog with multiple chronic diseases definitely has Cushing’s and isn’t a false positive?
This seminar will discuss some of the common problems faced by practitioners when diagnosing common endocrinopathies, and will aim to simplify the interpretation of diagnostic tests. The classic clinicopathologic findings of Canine Cushing’s disease and hypothyroidism will be discussed, along with some of the common mistakes that are made in the diagnosis and management of these conditions. By the end of the seminar, practitioners should feel confident in choosing the best diagnostic test for evaluating a patient with suspected Cushing’s disease or hypothyroidism, and be able to interpret these tests with confidence. The interpretation of monitoring tests for Cushing’s patients on treatment will also be discussed.
Katherine Briscoe
Dr Katherine Briscoe BVSc (Hons 1), MVetStud, FANZCVS.
Kath graduated from the University of Sydney in 2003, graduating with first class honours and the University Medal. Kath worked in private small animal practice in Sydney and the UK for three years. In 2006, Kath completed her internship in small animal medicine at the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Sydney after which she completed her Fellowship training program in feline medicine. In 2008, Kath attained membership of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in feline medicine. During her residency, Kath completed a research project on the pathology of feline low grade alimentary lymphoma and inflammatory bowel disease. Kath has a keen interest in all aspects of canine and feline medicine, and is also passionate about providing continuing education for veterinary practitioners. After 5 years at the University of Sydney, Kath joined the team at the Animal Referral Hospital, Sydney, she also passed her Fellowship examinations in June 2012 and is now a registered specialist in Feline Medicine. She has recently made a sea-change and is working at Pacific Vetcare in Coffs Harbour – a first opinion practice. Years of referral practice have allowed unique insights into ways in which a primary accession clinic might improve the health of its feline patients and provide superior services to their owners. Dr Briscoe is also keen to ensure general practitioners are well versed in what can be achieved in their own clinics and at what stage one should consider referral.